All you bloggers out htere who made it to the set on Saturday, I hope you had loads of fun! Anne PRAP will surely be posting photos of the day soon. I'd like to thank you also for your support of our blog, it helps to know people are reading what you're posting!
While we eagerly await Anne's piccies, I shall update some of my own shots of what has happened since the last post.

During the day of Tuan Dir's birthday we shared cake amongst the crew and cast before continuing with the rest of the short day of shoot.
Saturday we filmed a street scene where Los and Dick do a drive by on a busy road.

This is where our bloggers got a chance to be extras in the street and also to be screamed at by O our First AD. Man, has he got lungs!

The traffic situation got a little heavy, but with Frank our Prod Man and Bob our Ass Prod Man, it was quickly under control.
Later that day we filmed the outside of the water tank scene - whose interior was featured a couple of blogs ago. Here is the tank before and after we turned off the daylight!

Tommy, whose photo I finally got, is this chap right here.

And now we see Los and Faun as they emerge from the water tank after soaking for a few hours.
This is a picture of Genny. She's on the left there. She keeps us going when we get low on energy, but boy, does she blow a lot of smoke!
Genny is a film production's mainstay, the necessary generator we need to operate, away from power plugs and with lights, camera, monitors, recorders, computers, printers and batteries to keep on, lit and charged. Though since the petrol price hikes, we've been a little sore at Genny! She takes up to RM500 worth of petrol over a period of a couple of days.
Here, Hans and our guest taxi cabber, Aziz M Osman share a light moment after dinner.

And here, Aziz kickin' it as a cabbie.
Then Sunday was a well-deserved day of rest and today we'll be back at the rich Soffar's house shooting the final scene.
Till next time, Ass Prod.