Just to share with you the view of a spectacular KL sunset from up above the city. The quality of light is fantastic! For about half an hour the light will remain diffused and warm, which is why filmmakers call this the magic hour. There is no harsh directional light, there is enough light to shoot if you want to shoot without extra lighting for a moodier effect, and there are only 30 minutes to do it in. In some countries, up to an hour and a half.
Films like Days of Heaven and The Thin Blue Line were shot entirely during magic hour (the power of the auteur director over budgets is something our little industry has yet to experience). By the way, an auteur (specifically in the film industry) is a director whose vision drives the movie. More an artist than someone with commercial ideals. So David Lynch and Stanley Kubrick are auteurs. Jerry Bruckheimer and Ron Howard are not, though because they are so commercially viable, the creative power they have over their movies are auteur-like. Most auteurs don't get need or get huge budgets. But these are all generelisations, and of course there are always exceptions.
does that mean that auteur directors are people who are not grant with big budget? not really clear on that...
not necessarily. it's the way they work. "auteur" comes from the french word meaning "author". it means the director's personal style of vision is stamped on the film. it also means that a huge studio might not necessarily use say stanley kubrick to direct an action film, because it needs to follow a commercial style. that's why i say big budgets tend to go to commerrcially viable directors. though even stanley kubrick's smallest budget was probably much bigger than any of our average local budgets.
when I said auteurs don't need big budgets, I meant that their stories tend to be about feelings, emotions, stories close to the heart or home, or comments on society or politics. they are unlikely to be action thrillers. as i also said, there are always exceptions to the rule (though I don't know any)
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